Father of the City
When discussing the death of Richard III most people are unaware of the instrumental roll the Gardiner clan played in the rise of the Tudor Dynasty. With the discovery of Richards body many historians now believe the Welsh accounts of the battle hold the most water. Those Welsh chronicles are now supported by the forensic evidence collected from the body of Richard III. This shift in thinking, has also lead to many who now believe Willyam Gardyner may have indeed been one of the men who dealt the mortal blow.
When discussing the subject 30 years ago? The idea of some common Skinner Willyam Gardiner delivering the moral blow was an inconceivable concept to Ricardians. But after 30 years of research, we've discovered clues that put Willyam Gardiner not only on the battlefield. They put him in the right place, right time, and right circumstance to be one of the men who indeed delivered the mortal blow. In a court of law? Presenting the quality, quantity, and totality of all the evidence collected these past 30 years, combined with the story told in the right context. There is no doubt in my mind, I could persuade a jury to convict Willyam Gardiner for the regicide of Richard III. In these next few Hidden History of Family Gardiner we'll put forth some previously unknown facts

New Information
New Information
Most people are unaware Richard Gardyner was not only alderman, sheriff, and mayor of London. Richard Gardener was a Father of the City of London. Even less people are aware Richard Gardyner was chosen by The City of London as the leader of the cities official delegation, in charge of the London's celebration and greeting England's new King. On the 24th of August 1485 the common counsel deputized seven men to ride to the country and greet ‘highest lord, King Henry VII’. The choice of men to ride to the new King was significant. The seven deputized were Richard Gardyner Father of the City, Thomas Fitzwilliam Recorder, William Stokker and John Ward Aldermen and four men representing the cities guilds, Thomas Burgoyn, Mercer, John Fenkill, Draper, Hugh Pemberton, Tailor and John Stork, Grocer.
To this point historians hav been unable to explain exactly why Richard Gardyner was chosen as their leader. Until Now. Telling the story in context, and factoring in all the information, including the marriage of Willyam Gardyner to the natural daughter of the Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford. The selection of Alderman Gardiner now makes perfect sense.
It's been asserted by some historians the cities acceptance to Henry's rule was because it was the only option open to them. It's been my assertation when the Duke of Gloucester took the thrown, powerful forces within the city of London's merchant community were set into motion. Richards fate was sealed long before battle of Bosworth, his fate was sealed the moment the crown was placed on his head. I for one appreciate the story of Richard III isn't yet fully written, even after all these centuries. Ricardians should also appreciate this fact as well, because it proves the stories of an evil Richard III, are just that. Stories. Propaganda by the merchant community and power players to cover the fact that merchant community wanted this change, and were instrumental in changing the course of history. Giving credence to the old adage. "It's Just Business"
Continuing Work
Moving forward in this series well present facts to support the Gardiner families larger roll in the rise of the Tudor Dynasty.
Most people are unaware Richard Gardyner was not only alderman, sheriff, and mayor of London. Richard Gardener was a Father of the City of London. Even less people are aware Richard Gardyner was chosen by The City of London as the leader of the cities official delegation, in charge of the London's celebration and greeting England's new King. On the 24th of August 1485 the common counsel deputized seven men to ride to the country and greet ‘highest lord, King Henry VII’. The choice of men to ride to the new King was significant. The seven deputized were Richard Gardyner Father of the City, Thomas Fitzwilliam Recorder, William Stokker and John Ward Aldermen and four men representing the cities guilds, Thomas Burgoyn, Mercer, John Fenkill, Draper, Hugh Pemberton, Tailor and John Stork, Grocer.
To this point historians hav been unable to explain exactly why Richard Gardyner was chosen as their leader. Until Now. Telling the story in context, and factoring in all the information, including the marriage of Willyam Gardyner to the natural daughter of the Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford. The selection of Alderman Gardiner now makes perfect sense.
It's been asserted by some historians the cities acceptance to Henry's rule was because it was the only option open to them. It's been my assertation when the Duke of Gloucester took the thrown, powerful forces within the city of London's merchant community were set into motion. Richards fate was sealed long before battle of Bosworth, his fate was sealed the moment the crown was placed on his head. I for one appreciate the story of Richard III isn't yet fully written, even after all these centuries. Ricardians should also appreciate this fact as well, because it proves the stories of an evil Richard III, are just that. Stories. Propaganda by the merchant community and power players to cover the fact that merchant community wanted this change, and were instrumental in changing the course of history. Giving credence to the old adage. "It's Just Business"
To this point historians hav been unable to explain exactly why Richard Gardyner was chosen as their leader. Until Now. Telling the story in context, and factoring in all the information, including the marriage of Willyam Gardyner to the natural daughter of the Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford. The selection of Alderman Gardiner now makes perfect sense.
It's been asserted by some historians the cities acceptance to Henry's rule was because it was the only option open to them. It's been my assertation when the Duke of Gloucester took the thrown, powerful forces within the city of London's merchant community were set into motion. Richards fate was sealed long before battle of Bosworth, his fate was sealed the moment the crown was placed on his head. I for one appreciate the story of Richard III isn't yet fully written, even after all these centuries. Ricardians should also appreciate this fact as well, because it proves the stories of an evil Richard III, are just that. Stories. Propaganda by the merchant community and power players to cover the fact that merchant community wanted this change, and were instrumental in changing the course of history. Giving credence to the old adage. "It's Just Business"