[DOC] William Gardiner Fish Monger 1480

The Clothworkers’ Company Archive, CL Estate/38/1A/1

Will of William Gardiner 1480 Fish Monger 

In the name of God, amen. On the 23rd day of November, in the year of our Lord 1480, and the 20th year of the reign of King Edward IV, I, William Gardiner, citizen and fishmonger of the City of London, and freeman of the same city, being of sound mind and in good memory, praise and thanks be to Almighty God, make and ordain this my present testament.

Regarding the disposition of all my lands, tenements, rooms, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, which I have in Hay-wharf lane beside Thames Street, in the parish of All Hallows the More of London, I declare as follows:

Whereas Thomas Bryan, gentleman, Geoffrey Boleyn, Richard Lee, Alderman Thomas Eyre of the parish of St. Bartholomew the Little in London, Draper Thomas Burgoyne, Thomas More, John Lamborne, and William Light, gentlemen, by their deed enrolled in the London’s Court of Husting, held on the Monday after the Feast of Saint Agatha the Virgin, in the year of the reign of King Edward IV after the conquest, [dumsed], and confirmed to me, the aforementioned William Gardiner, and to Edward Story, clerk, the former parson of the parish church of All Hallows the More aforesaid, Thomas Rigby, gentleman, Thomas Danyell, dyer, John Bele, dyer, and Richard Hynton, scrivener, all the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, situated in the said parish of All Hallows the More, in Thames Street, London, which William Petteworth formerly held for the term of his life, which William, at the time of the said demise to us, the said William Gardiner, Edward, Thomas Rigby, Thomas Danyelle, John Bele, and Richard Hynton, made by deed, was deceased.

Therefore, the said Thomas Bryan, Geoffrey Boleyn, Richard Lee, Thomas Eyre, Thomas Burgoyne, Thomas More, John Lamborne, and William Light, were lawfully and peacefully seized in their demesne as of fee in all the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances. To have and to hold all the same lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, to me, the said William Gardiner, and to the said Edward Story, Thomas Rigby, Thomas Danyelle, John Bele, and Richard Hynton, and their heirs and assigns forever. As more clearly appears by the said deed made to us thereof.

By virtue of the aforementioned demise and confirmation, I, William Gardiner, and Edward Story, Thomas Rigby, Thomas Danyelle, John Bele, and Richard Hynton, were lawfully seized of and in the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, in one demesne as of fee. And of such estate, Richard Hynton died seized. After his death, I, William Gardiner, and Edward Story, Thomas Rigby, Thomas Danyelle, and John Bele held [Gg]in the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, by way of survivorship and by right of reversion. And we were lawfully seized of them in one demesne as of fee.

After that, Edward Story, by his deed of release, surrendered and released to me, William Gardiner, and my heirs, all his right and estate which he then had in the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances. And after that, Thomas Rigby, Thomas Danyelle, and John Bele, by their deed of release, remised and released to me, William Gardiner, and my heirs, all their right and estate which they then had in all the said lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances. As more clearly appears in the said several deeds of release. By virtue of these releases, I, William Gardiner, was then solely seized of and in all the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, in my demesne as of fee. And so, I stand solely seized of them in my demesne as of fee on the date of this present testament.

Therefore, I, William Gardiner, being solely seized of and in all the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, by this present testament, bequeath, give, and grant to the Prior and convent of the House of the Friars Augustinians of London, for the time being, an annual rent of 4 pounds of lawful money of England. To be had, levied, and received by the said Prior and convent and their successors forever, of and in all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services aforementioned, with their appurtenances. At four times of the year, usually in the City of London, in equal portions. The first time of payment thereof to commence at the usual term of the four usual times aforementioned that shall happen to fall next and immediately after such time as Margaret, my wife, if she outlives me, remarries, or after such time as she defaults.Any year after my decease, while she remains unmarried, she shall be responsible for maintaining my obituary in the parish church of All Hallows-by-the-Tower  the More, contrary to the following conditions. As specified below, she shall be appointed to oversee it, or alternatively, after her departure from this mortal life. By this present testament, I ordain and grant that if, and as often as, the aforementioned annual rent of four pounds, after it falls due or comes into the possession of the said Prior and convent or their successors by virtue of my aforementioned legacy and grant contained in this present testament, remains unpaid, either in part or in full, at any time of its payment as stated above, then it shall be lawful for the said Prior, convent, and their successors, by themselves or by their competent deputy, in the said lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services, along with their appurtenances, to enter and distrain. The distresses thus lawfully taken shall be carried away and retained by them until the time when the said annual rent of four pounds, together with the arrears of the same, is fully satisfied and paid.

I will and ordain that the aforementioned annual rent shall be applied, disposed of, and converted by the said Prior and his successors annually and forever to the following purpose and intent: that every Prior of the said house, during his time, shall cause to be ordained and assigned a friar of the said order, who shall be directed, authorized, or permitted to sing the second Mass daily to be performed in the convent church of the said house of friars, perpetually in his such Mass, to pray specifically for my soul, the soul of my aforementioned wife Margaret when it pleases Almighty God to call her out of this mortal life, and for the souls of my father, my mother, and all Christian souls.

Furthermore, I desire that whenever and as often as any such friar, while singing the aforementioned second Mass, proceeds to the lavatory during his Mass, he shall turn his face towards the people present before him at the altar and ask them to pray for the souls of myself, the said Margaret my wife by name, and for the souls of my father and mother, as well as for all Christian souls. Then, immediately, he shall recite openly the Psalm "De profundis clamavi," along with the collect commonly used for the same Psalm. Additionally, every Prior of the same place, during his time, shall keep and observe my obituary annually and forever in the convent church of the Austin Friars aforesaid. It shall be conducted by the convent of the friars of the same place or, in most cases, solemnly by musical notation on the day when I am destined to depart from this wretched life.

As the course of the year progresses, the following rituals shall be performed: placebo, dirge by musical notation, and on the following morning, a Mass of Regimen by musical notation. Furthermore, I decree that the said Prior, during his tenure, shall annually bestow, distribute, and allocate from the aforementioned annual rent of three pounds among the friars of the same place who are present and assisting at the said obituary in the aforementioned convent church, on the same day that the said obituary is performed, the sum of thirteen shillings and four pence. And to that friar and those friars who are present and participating in the said second Mass with the aforementioned observances in the same Mass, in the said convent church, the sum of forty-three shillings and four pence shall be distributed among them, some receiving less and others receiving more, according to the duration of their participation and performance of the said second Mass with the aforementioned observances in the same Mass.

Additionally, the remaining amount of the annual rent, totaling twenty-three shillings and four pence, shall be utilized by every Prior of the said house, during his tenure, for the maintenance of the expenses of the said place. I also desire and request the Chamberlain of the City of London, during his tenure, that it would please him, out of his charitable disposition, to conduct a survey on the friar who daily sings and performs the said second Mass at the Austin Friars, ensuring that the said friar properly and faithfully fulfills all the observances prescribed for each of his Masses, as I have assigned him above. And as a result, he shall receive his wages yearly and perpetually from the Prior of the said place, during his tenure, as I have designated above for him to receive.

Moreover, every Prior of the same place, during his tenure, shall annually and perpetually maintain and observe my aforementioned obituary in the said convent church, following the aforementioned format, and shall distribute among the friars who assist in keeping the same obituary thirteen shillings and three pence in the aforementioned manner. Furthermore, if it should happen in the future that any friar, who daily sings the said second Mass in the convent church of the three Austin Friars, should fail to pray for my soul and the other aforementioned souls or to observe any aspect of the said Mass, which he is obligated to do according to my aforementioned intention, due to the lack of payment of his salary or for any other reason, or if any Prior of the said place, during his tenure, fails to observe or maintain my said obituary in the aforementioned manner, or if he annually fails to distribute thirteen shillings and four pence among the assisting friars in the said obituary, as I have previously assigned, then my bequest and grant made to the said Prior and convent of the said place, by the force of this present testament, of the annual rent of four pounds shall be rendered null and void in the eyes of the law. Instead, I bequeath, give, and grant, by this present testament, to the Chamberlain of the City of London, during his tenure, the said annual rent of three pounds to be received, collected, and provided to the said Chamberlain and to his successors as Chamberlains of the said City, perpetually and forever, from all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services aforementioned, along with their appurtenances, at four usual times of the year in the City of London, in equal portions. And I decree that the said annual rent shall then be applied and converted by the said Chamberlain and his successors to the repair and maintenance of the water conduits of the said City of London.

And for the support and repair of the lead pipes that convey water to the said conduits of the said City. I decree and grant by this present testament that if, and as often as, the said annual rent of four pounds, after it comes into the possession of the said Chamberlain and his successors by virtue of this present testament, remains unpaid or partially paid at any specified term of payment, it is required to be made. Then it shall be lawful for the said Chamberlain and his successors to enter and seize upon the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, along with their appurtenances, and in each part of the same to distrain. And the distresses so taken may be lawfully borne, led, driven, carried, and received by them until the said annual rent of four pounds, including the arrears, is fully satisfied and paid.

Furthermore, I bequeath, give, and grant by this present testament to Master Oliver King, the parson of the Parish Church of All Hallows the Great in Thames Street, London, who currently holds the position, and to the parson of the same parish church of All Hallows the Great who shall hold the position at that time, and to Robert Palmer, a barber, and Stephen Traps, a tailor, both citizens of London and wardens of the goods, ornaments, and works of the same church, who are currently serving, and to the other wardens of the goods, ornaments, and works of the same church who shall serve at that time.

An annual rent of ten shillings of lawful money of England, to be received, collected, and perceived by the said parson and wardens and their successors, the parsons of the said church and the wardens of the goods, ornaments, and works of the same church, perpetually and forever, from all the lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services aforementioned, along with their appurtenances, at four usual terms of the year in the City of London, in equal portions. The first payment is to commence at the usual time of the next four usual terms that shall occur. And immediately after the time when Margaret, my wife, if she survives me and remains unmarried, violates the prescribed form by me written below for the keeping of my obituary in the said parish church of All Hallows the Great. Or after the time when she departs from this mortal life. And I decree and grant by this present testament that if, and as often as, the said annual rent of ten shillings, after it comes into the possession of the said parson and churchwardens or their successors by virtue of this present testament, remains unpaid, partially paid, or in arrears at any specified time of payment it is required to be made, then it shall be lawful for the said parson and churchwardens for the time being and their successors to enter and distrain upon the said lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services, along with their appurtenances, and in each part of the same. And the distress so taken may be lawfully borne, led, driven, carried away, and received by them until the said annual rent of ten shillings, along with the arrears, is fully satisfied and paid.

The annual rent of ten shillings, I will and decree that it shall be applied, disposed of, and converted by the wardens of the said parish church of All Hallows for the time being, to keep perpetually an obituary for my soul and other souls specified below, in the said parish church of All Hallows according to the following form. I will that the wardens of the said parish church of All Hallows, as soon as the said annual rent of ten shillings comes into the possession of the said parson and churchwardens or their successors by virtue of this present testament, hold, upon the departure from this mortal life, in the aforementioned parish church of All Hallows, the following: placebo and dirge by note on the eve, and a requiem mass by note on the following morning, along with all the rights and observances customary for such an obituary. And they shall annually spend, forever, from the said annual rent of ten shillings, according to the following form: twelve pence to the parson of the same parish church of All Hallows for the time being or his deputy present at the said obituary and assisting in it, and five pence to each of the four priests of the same church who are present and assisting at the obituary, eight pence to be evenly divided among the parish clerks under the same form, for bread and ale to be provided for the refreshment of the parson or his said deputy, priests, clerks, and others attending the obituary, two shillings for the two churchwardens of the same parish church to be evenly divided between them, for overseeing the keeping of the said obituary, sixteen pence to the churchwardens of the body of the same church, and two shillings to be given to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, to be received, collected, and perceived from all the aforementioned lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, along with their appurtenances, at four usual times of the year in the City of London, in equal portions. The purpose of this is that the Chamberlain of the said City, as soon as the said annual rent of ten shillings falls into his possession by virtue of this present testament, holds and keeps my obituary solemnly, by note, on the day of my departure from this mortal life in the parish church of All Hallows, according to the following: placebo and dirge by note on the eve, and a requiem mass by note on the following morning, with lights.

Furthermore, I will and decree by this present testament that if, at any time or whensoever, the churchwardens of the said church of All Hallows the Great or their successors, after the decease of me and my said wife, fail to keep my said obituary in the said parish church of All Hallows the Great contrary to the aforementioned form, then my bequest and grant made to the said parson and churchwardens of the said parish church of All Hallows the Great, by the power of this present testament, of the annual rent of ten shillings shall become void and have no effect in the law. Instead, I bequeath, give, and grant by this present testament to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, the said annual rent of ten shillings, to be received, collected, and perceived by the said Chamberlain and his successors, Chamberlains of the said City of London for the time being, perpetually and forever, from all the aforementioned lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, along with their appurtenances, at four usual times of the year in the City of London, in equal portions. The intent is that the Chamberlain of the said City, as soon as the said annual rent of ten shillings falls into his possession by virtue of this present testament, holds and keeps my obituary solemnly, by note, on the day of my departure from this mortal life in the parish church of All Hallows the Great, according to the following: placebo and dirge by note on the eve, and a requiem mass by note on the following morning, with lights.

And other observances, the same obituary to be performed yearly, forever, with the said annual rent of ten shillings, according to the following: twelve pence to the parson of the said parish church of All Hallows the Great for the time being or his deputy being present at the said obituary and assisting in it. And to each priest of the four priests of the same parish church who are present and assisting at the obituary, to be evenly divided among them, eight pence. And to the two parish clerks for ringing the bells for the said parson or his said deputy, priests, clerks, and others attending the obituary, two shillings. And to the Chamberlain for organizing and ensuring the said obituary is kept annually, two shillings. And to be distributed by him or his deputy among the poor householders of the parish of All Hallows, sixteen pence.

I will and decree by this present testament that if and whenever the said annual rent of ten shillings, after it falls into the possession of the said Chamberlain or any of his successors by virtue of this present testament, remains unpaid in part or in full at any time of its aforementioned payment, then it shall be lawful for the said Chamberlain and his successors in the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services to lawfully bear, carry, and take away, and to retain for themselves until the said annual rent of ten shillings, along with the arrears of the same, is fully satisfied and paid to them.

Additionally, by this present testament, I give and bequeath to the said Margaret, my wife, all my said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, to have and to hold to the same Margaret, my wife, and her assigns, according to the customary rights, under the following condition: that the said Margaret, my wife, after my decease, remains a widow and unmarried during her lifetime, and also that she, every year after my death, during her lifetime, from the income, profits, and revenues coming from the said lands and tenements, holds and keeps my obituary solemnly, by note, on the day of my departure from this wretched world, and dirge by note on the eve, and with a requiem mass by note on the following morning, along with lights and all other observances customary for such an obituary. And she shall distribute, dispose, and distribute yearly, during her lifetime, ten shillings in the same obituary to be kept, according to the following: twelve pence to the parson of the same parish church of All Hallows the Great for the time being or his deputy being present at the said obituary and assisting in it, and twelve pence to each priest of the four priests of the same parish church who are present and helping at the same, six pence to the two parish clerks under the same condition to be evenly divided among them, eight pence, and eight pence to the same two parish clerks for ringing the bells for the said obituary. And for bread and ale to be provided for the recreation of the said parson or his said deputy, priests, and clerks, and others attending the said obituary, two shillings. To the two wardens of the same parish church, to be evenly divided between them, for overseeing the keeping of the said obituary, sixteen pence. And to the works of the body of the same church, two shillings.

I will and bequeath by this present testament that if and when the said Margaret, my wife, does the same as me.

And after my decease, she marries any man or person, or if she fails to keep my said obituary in the parish church of All Hallows the Great contrary to the aforementioned form, or if she departs from this mortal life, then immediately all the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, shall remain to the wardens and commonalty of the freemen of the mystery or craft of Fullers of the City of London for the time being, to have and to hold to them and their successors, to be applied towards the support of the expenses of the said Guild forever. From the chief lords of the fee, by the due service thereof, and according to the customary rights, under the condition that the wardens of the freemen of the said Guild for the time being, whenever the said lands, tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with the appurtenances, come into their hands and possession after the aforementioned form, faithfully and truly pay and bear the annual rents mentioned above, charged upon the same, yearly and forever, at the times specified above. Also, every year, forever, well and sufficiently repair and maintain all the aforementioned lands and tenements as often as it is necessary, without any delay.

And I will and bequeath by this present testament that if the wardens of the freemen of the said Guild or their successors, at any time hereafter, fail to duly repair the said lands and tenements and allow them to remain un-repaired for a period of one year or longer after they need repair, and will not perform the proper repairs upon them within a year from the time they are warned or requested to do so by the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being or any other person acting on his behalf, then my bequest previously made to the said wardens and commonalty of the freemen of the said Guild or craft of Fullers of London, of my said lands and tenements and other premises, shall cease and be utterly terminated and void. And then, by this present testament, I give and bequeath all my said lands and tenements, rents, reversions, and services, with their appurtenances, to the master and commonalty of the same city for the time being, forever, to be applied solely to the maintenance of the water conduits of the said city of London, and also to bear the aforementioned expenses in the manner and form as mentioned above, as they will answer for it before the Almighty Jesus Christ, being the sovereign and high judge on the dreadful Day of Judgment. And I appoint as my executors the said Margaret, my wife, and my honorable brother Richard Gardener, citizen and alderman of the City of London. In witness whereof, I have set my seal to this my present testament, given on the 23rd day of November in the aforementioned year.


In the name of god be it amen The xxiijth day of Novembre, the yere of our lord mlcccclxxx And the xx yere of the Reigne of kyng Edward the iiijth I William Gardyner Citezein And ffisshmonger of the Citie of London. And ffreman of the same Citee beyng of hole mynd And in good memorie laude & praysyng be vnto Allmighty god make & ordeign this my present Testament. As to the Disposicion of all my londes & tenementes Romes Reuersions & seruices with their Appurtennances the which I haue in haywharflane beside Thamse strete in the parishhe of all hallowen the moore of London in the forme that followeth that is to weete wheras Thomas Bryan Gentilman Geffrey Boleyn Richard Lee Aldreman Thomas Eyre of he parish of Seynt Bartholomew the lytle in London Draper Thomas Burgoyne Thomas More John Lamborne And William Light Gentliman by their dede enrolled in the hustenges of London of comon place holden the Monday next after the ffest of Seynt Agath the virgyn the yere of the Reign of King Edward the fourth after the conquest the ffirst [ dumsed] & confermed to me the saide William Gardener And to Edward Story clerk late parson of the parissh church of Allhalowen the More aforesaid Thomas Rigby Gentilman Thomas Danyell Dyer John Bele Dyer And Richard Hynton Scryvaner all the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices, with their Appurtennances sett in the said parissh of Alhallowen the more in Thamse strete of London the which William Petteworth sumtyme held for time of his lyf the which William att tyme of the said dymise to vs the said William Gardener Edward Thomas Rigby Thomas Danyelle John Bele& Richard Hynton made was dede. Wherthrugh the said Thomas Bryan Geffrey Boleyn Richard Lee Thomas Eyre Thomas Burgoyne Thomas More John Lamborne and William Light of And in all the said londes and tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices with their Appurtennances than were lawfully And peasibly seased in their demeane as of ffee. To haue And to hold all the same londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions And Seruices with their Appurtennances to me the said William Gardener. And to the said Edward Story Thomas Rigby Thomas Danyelle John Bele and Richard Hynton to one heires And Assignes for euermore. As by the said dede to vs  therof made more pleynly it may Appere. 

By vertue of which demise And confirmacion I the said William Gardener, And the said Edward Story Thomas Rigby Thomas Danyelle John Bele and Richard Hynton were lawfully seased of And in the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions and seruices with their Appurtennances in one demeane as of ffee, And of such Estate the said Richard Hynton dyed seased. After whos decesse I the said William Gardener And the said Edward Story Thomas Rigby Thomas Danyell & John Bele held [Gg]in the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions and seruices with their Appurtennance by wey of Suvivre.And by Right of Reveyng. And of theym we were than lawfully seased in one demeane as of ffee. And after that the said Edward Story by his dede of Releasse Reuised and Relessed to me the said William Gardener And to myn heires allhis Right And estate which he then had of And in the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices with their Appurtennances, And after that the said Thomas Rigby Thomas Danyell & John Bele by their dede of Relesse Remised & Relessed to me the said William Gardener And to myn heires all their Right and estate which they than had of And in all the said londes and tenementes Rentes Reuersions and seruices with their Appurtennances. As by the said seuerall deedes of Relessemore playnly it may appere. By vertue of which Relesses I the said William Gardener was than soule seased of and in all the said londes and tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices with their appurtennances in my demeane as of ffee. And so stond I soule seased of theym in my demeane as of ffee the day of the date of theise presentes.
Wherfor I the said William Gardner of And in all the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions And seruices with thier appurtennances so beyng sole seased by this my present Testament bequeth, geve and graunte to the Pryour and convent of the hous of the ffrere Austeyns of London for the tyme beyng. An Annuell Rent of iiij li. of lawefull money of England. To be had levyedand preyved to the said Priour and couent. And to then Successours for euer more of And in all the londes And tenementes Rentes Reuersions and seruices aforsaid with their appurtennances. Att iiij times of the yere vsuely in the Citee of London by even portcions. The ffirst time of payment therof to begynne Att that vsuell terme of the iiij vsual times aforesaid that shall fortune to fall next & immedialty after such tyme as margarett my wif if she outlyve me be maryed. After my decesse to any manner persone Or elles after such tyme as she make defaute.

Any yere after my decesse While she abideth sole vnmaryed of the kepyng of my obite in the said parishe church of Alhallowen the more contrarie to such fourme. As she by mehere vnderwriten shall be Assigned to kepe it or elles after suche tyme As she depart out of this mortall lyf. And I will ordeign and graunte by this my present Testament that if and as often As the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. After it be fall or come to the possession of the said Priour. And convent or of there Successours by vertue of my saide legacie And graunte comprised in this my present Testament be byhynde vnpaid in part or in all. Att anytime of payment therof aforesaid that it oweth to be paid that than it
shall be lefull to the said Pryour And covent. And to there Successours by theym self or by
their sufficiant deputee in the said londes and tenementes Rentes Reuersions And seruices with their
Appurtennances. And in euery parcell of the same for to entre And distreyn, And distresses soo taken lefully for to bere lede dryve carye Away and to Reteyne towardes theym vnto the tyme that the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. with tharrearages of the same to tyme soo be fully satisfied & paid. The which
Annuell Rent I woll & ordeign that it shall be applyed disposed & conuerted by the said Priour And his Successours yerely for euermore vnto suche vse and entent. As her [] foloweth that is to were that euery Priour of the said house for the tyme beyng yerely foreuermore shall cause ordeyn And assigne suche A ffrere of the said ordre the which shall be assigned willed or suffered to syng the ij de Masse dayly to be doon in the convent church of the said house of ffreeres dayly in his suche masse for euerm ore for to pray specially for my Soule. And the soule of my said margarette my wif whan hit shall  please all mightly god to call her out of this mortall lyf. And for the Soules of my ffader. And
my moder And for all cristen Soules. And I woll that whan so euer And as often As Any suche frere syngyng the said i jde masse shall goo vnto the lavatorie in his suche masse tyme that he Att alvter turne his face vnto the people ther beyng present afore hym. And will theym to pray for the said soules of me And of the said margarett my wif by name And for the Soules of my ffader And my moder. And for alle cristen Soules. And thervppon say ther fortwith openlythe Psalme. Deprofundis claimain &c. wich the Colett vsed comonly to be saide for the same Psalme. And also that euery Pryour of the same place for the tyme beyng kepe And holde myne obite yerely for euermore in the conuent church of the ffrere Austeyns aforsaid to be doon by the couent of the ffreres of the same place or by the more partie of tyme Solemnly by noote oon the day that it shall fortune me to departe out of this wrecched lyf. 

As the course of the yere gooth Aboute dooyng over [ ] placebo. And dirige by noote. And one the morne folowyng Masse of Regimen of noote. And I woll that the said priour for the tyme beynge of the said Annuell Rent of iij li. bestowe dispose & distribute yerely for euermore beyning of the said Annuell Rent of iij li. bestowe dispose & distribute yerely for euermore among the ffreresof the same place beyng present & helpyng. Att the said obitte in then saide conuent chirch the same day that the said obite be so doon xiij s. iiij d. And to that ffrere. And thoo ffreres so beyng And doyng the said ij de masse with the obseruances aforesaid Att same masse tyme in the said convent church to be disposed among theym that is to witte to summe of theym lesse. And to summe of theym more. After the Rate of then tyme of Seyng And doying the same ij de masse with thobseruances aforsaid. Att same masse tymein the said couent church xliij s. iiijd. yerely for euermore to thentent that euery ffrere so seyng and doyng the said ij de masse with thobseruances aforesaid Att same masse tyme in the said couent chirch may haue cause to pray the more tenderly for my Soule. And the Soules aforsaid. And theresidue of the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. Amounting xxiij s. iiij d. I woll that euery pryor of the said house for the tyme beyng conuante and Applie toward the Supportacion of the charges of the said place And I wool and desire the chamberleyn of the citie of London for the tyme beyng that it wold please hym whan his ley for woll fine hym of  his charitie to haue A surveying vpon the said ffrere daily syngyng. And doyng the said ijde masse Att the said ffreere Austeyns that the same ffrere wele & truly doo All thobseruances in euery his such masse. As I haue assigned. Aboue by hym to be doon. And that he haue therfor yerely for euermore of the Pryour of the said place for the tyme beyng his such wages. As I haue Assigned Aboue for hym to haue And that euery pryour of the same place for the tyme beyng yerely for euermore so hold & kepe my said Obitte in the said couent chirch ther in forme aforsaid. And dispose among the ffreres kepyng the same obit xiij s. iij d. in forme aforsaid. And dispose among the ffreres kepyng the same obite xiij s. iiij d. yerely for euermore vndre such forme as is aboue rechereced. And I woll & ordeyn by this my present Testament that if it fall soo hereafter that Any ffrere syngyng dayly the said ij de mase in the convent chirch of thre ffrere Austyns aforsaid after the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. by force of my graunte aforesaid be levable to the Pryor And covent aforsaidfor the tyme beyng make defante Any day in his suche ij de masse to pray for my Soule, And the other Soules aforsaid or for to doo Any manner observance in his such masse tyme which after myn entent aforsaid by hym oweth to the obserued for lak of payment of his said Salarie or otherwise Or elles that Any pryour of the said place for the tyme beyng Any yere in his tyme kepe not or hold not my said Obite ther infourme aforsaid. Or elles if he yerely in shi tyme kepe or hold my said Obite ther. And distribute nott yerely xiij s. iiij d. Among the ffreres helpyng in the said Obite like as I haue assigned before tobe doon. That thend my said bequest & graunte made to the said Priourand conuent of the said place by force of this my
Present Testament of the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. than be voied And of noon effecte in the lawe. But than I bequeth geve & graunteby this my present testamentto the Chamberlyn of the Citee of London for the tyme beyng the said Annuell Rent of iij li. To be had levyed and prevyded to the said Chamberleyn. And to his Successours Chamberleyns of the said Citee for the tyme beyng foreu ermore. Of and in all the londes and tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices aforsaid with thier Appurtennances.Att iiij times of the yere vsuelly in the Citie of London by even porcions. And I woll that thann the said Annuell Rent be Applyed & conuerted by the said Chamberleyn. And his saide Successours to the Reparacion & supportacion of the water conduiters of the said Citee of London. And to the supportacion And Reparacion of the pipes of lede conveying the waters to the said conduits of the said Citie. And I woll ordeyn & graunte by this my present testament that if And as often As the said Annuell Rent of iiij li. After it befall or come to the possession of the said Chamberlayn. And to his Successours for the time beyng by vertue of this my present Testament be by hynd vnapid and in part or in All. Att Any terme of payment thereof Aforesaid that it oweth to be
paid. That than it shall be lefull to the said Chamberlayn. And to his successors in the said londes. And tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices. With their Appurtennances And in euery parcell of the same for to entre. And distreyne And distresses soo taken leefully for to bere lede dryve cary And to receyue towards theym in to the tyme that the said Annuell Rentof iiij li. wich tharrearages of
the same to theym so be fully satisfyed And paide. Item I bequeth yeve & graunte by this my present Testament. To maister Olyuer Kyng parson of the parissh Churche of All Hallowen the more in Thamse strete of London the now is. And to the parson of the same parish chirch of Alhallowen the more the which for the tyme shall And to Robert Palmer Barbour And Stephen Traps Taillour Citezeins of London wardeyns of the goodes Ornamentes and werkes of the same church which now being. And to other wardeyne of the goodes Ornamentes and werkes of the same chirch the which for the tyme shall be. 

An Annuell Rent of x s. of laufull money of England. To be had levyed and perceyued to the said
parson And wardeyns And to their Successors parsons of the said chirch. And wardeyns of the goodes Ornamentes And werkes of the same chirch for the tyme beyng for euermore of And in all the londes & tenementes Rente Reuersions And seruices aforsaid with their Appurtennances Att iiij termes of the yere vsuelly in the Citie of London by even porcions. The first time of payment therof to begyn Att the vsuell time of the iiij vsuell times aforesaid that shall fortune to fall next. And immediately after suche tyme As the said margarett my wif if he she only be me be maried after my decesse to Any manner persone or elles after such tyme As she make defaute. Any yere after my decesse while she Abideth soul evnmaryed of the kepyng of myn obite in the said parish Chirche of Alhallowen the more contrarie to suche forme As she by me here vndrewriten shall be Assigned to kepe it or elles after suche tyme. As she depart out of this mortall lyf. And I woll ordeign & graunte by this my present testament that if And as often As the said Annuell Rent of x s. after it be fall or come to the possession of the said parson And chirchewardeyns or of their Successors by vertue of this my present testament be byhynd vnpaid in part or in all Att Any time of payment thereof
Aforesaid that it oweth to be paid that than it shall be leefull to the said person And chirche wardeyns for the tyme beyng. And to there Successors in the londes And tenementes Rentes Reuersions And seruices with their Appurtenances And in euery parcell of the same for to entre. And distreyn. And distresse soo taken leefully for to be bere lede dryve carie Away. And to receyn towardes theym in to the tyme that the said Annuell Rente of x s. with tharrearages of the same so to be fully satisfied and paid. The which Annuell Rent of x s. I woll. And ordeign that it shalbe Applyed disposed And conv
erted by the wardeyns of the said parisshe church of all halowen for the tyme beyng in kepyng yerely for euermore. An obite by noot for my Soule And other soules her vndrewriten in the said parishe chirch of Alhallowen in the forme suyng that is to witt. I woll that the wardeyns of the said parishe
chirch of Alhallowen for the tyme beyng. Assone as the said annuell rent of x s. be falle or come to the possession of the said personne And chirchewardeyns or of their Successors by vertue of this my present testament doo hold out of this mortall lyf in the parish chirch of Alhallowen the more aforesaid that is to wite with placebo. And dirige by noote on even. And with masse of Regimein by noote on the morowe folowynge. What rights and all other obseruances to such An obite comencment. And Apperteyning And that they spende yerely for euermore in the said obite so to be kept the said Annuell Rent of x s. in the forme followyng that is to wite to the person of the same parishe church of Alhallowen for the tyme beyng or to his deputee ther beyng present Att the said obite And helpyng in the same xij d. to euery preeste of the iiij prestes of the same church beyng present. And helpyng. Att same obite v d. to the ells parisshe clerkes ther vndre the same fourme to be evenly deuyded betwene theym viij d. And to the same ij parish clerkes for ryngyng of the belles ther in the said obites viiij d. for brede & ale to be prouided for the recreacion of the said parson or his said deputie prestes And clerkes And other commyng to the said obite ij s. to the ij churche
wardeyns of the same parisshe church to be deuided evenly betwene theym for to see the said obitte so kept xvj d. And to the weekes of the body of the same church ij s. And I woll And ordeign by this my present Testament that if or whan soo euer the said chirchwardens of the said chirch of Alhallowen the more or their Successors for the tyme beyng. And yere after the decesse of me. And of my said wif make defaute of the kepyng of my said obite in the said parisshe church of Allhallowen the more contrarie to the forme aforsaid that than my said bequest & graunte made to the said parson and chirchewardeyns of the said parisshe chirch of Allhallowen the more by force of this my present Testament of the said Annuell Rent of x s. than be voide. And of noone effect in the lawe. But than I bequeath yeve and graunte by this my present Testament . To the Chamberleyn of the Citie of London for the tyme beyng the said Annuell Rent of x s. To be had levyed And perceyued to the said Chamberleyn. And to his Successors, Chamberleyns of the said Citie of London for the tyme beyng for euermore of And in all the londes & tenementes Rentes reuersions & seruices aforesaid with thier Appurtenances. Att iiij times of the yere vsuely in the Citee of London by even porcions to
thentent that the Chamberleyn of the said Citie for the tyme beyng assone as the said Annuell Rent of x s. be fall or comme vnto his possession by vertue of this my present Testament doo hold And kepe myn obite Solempnely by noote on the day that it shall fortune me to depart out of this mortall lyf in the parisshe church of Alhallowen the more aforsaid that is to witt with placebo & dirige by noote ouer even And with masse of Regimen by noote on the morowe followyng with lightes. And other obseruances the same obite yerely for euermore the said annuell Rent of x s. in the forme folowyng that is to wite to the parson of the said parissh church of Alhallowen the more for the tyme beyng or to his deputee ther beyng present. 

Att said obite And helpyng in the same xij d. To euery preest of iiij Preestes of the same parisshe Chirch beyng present to be evenly deuided betwene theym viij d. And to the same ij parishe Clereks for Ryngyng of the said parson or his said deputee prestes. And Clerkes And other commyng to the said obite ij s. And to the said Chamberleyn for to ordeign And see the said Obite yerely so kept ij s. And to be distributed by hym or by his deputee Among poore householders of the parish of Alhallowen xvj d. AndI woll ordeyn & graunte by this my present Testament that if And as often as the said Annuell Rent of x s. after it be fall or come to the possession of the said Chamberleyn or of Any of his Successors by vertue of this my present Testament be bulyded vnpaid in part or in all att Any time of payment therof aforsaid that it oweth to be paid that than it shall be leefull to the said Chamberlayne. And to his Successors in the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions And seruices with taken leefully for to bere lede dryve carie Awaye. And to Retayne towardes them to the tyme that the said Annuell Rent of x s. with tharrearages of the same to theym soo be fully satisfied
& paid. Item by this my present Testamen I geve & bequeth to the said Margarett my wif all my said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions & Seruices with their appurtennances. To haue and to hold to the same Margarett my wif. And to her assignes right accustomed vndre the condicion suying that is so wite. That the said margarett my wif After my deceasse kepe her self A wydowe soule & vnmaryed duryng her lyf And also that she euery yere after my decesse duryng her lif of the issues profites And Reuenues comyng of the said londes & tenementes do hold & kepe myn obite Solempnely by noote on the day that it shall fortune me to depart out of this wreched world & dirige by noote one even. And with masse of Regimen by note ouer the morowe followynge which lightes And all other obseruances to such And obite commencement And Apperteyning And that the psend dispose & distribute yerely in the same obite so to be kept duryng her lif x s. in the forme folowyng that is to wite to the parson of the same parissh church or Alhallowen for the tyme beyng or to his deputee ther beyng present att said obite. And helpyng in the same xij d. To euery prest of the iiij
prestes of the same parisshe church beyng present & helpynge Att same 6 d. To the ij parisshe Clerkes ther vndre the same fourme to be evenly deuided betwene theym viij d. And to the same ij parisshe clerkes for Ryngyng of the belles ther in the said obite viij d. ffor brede & Ale to be prouided for the Recreation of the said parson or his said deputee prestes & Clerkes. And other commyng to the said obit ij s. to the two wardeyns of the same parissh chirch to be evenly deuided betwene theym for to see the said obite soo kept xvj d. And to the werkes of the body of the same chirch ij s. And I woll ordeign & bequeath by this my present Testament that if And whan so euer the said Margaret my Wif one like me. And after my deceasse be maryed vnto Any man persone Or elles if she make defaute any yere after my decesse. While she abideth sould vnmaried of the kepyng of my said obite in the said parish chirch of Alhallowen the more contrarie to the form aforsaid, Or ells that she departe out of this mortall lif that then And so soon All the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices with their Appurtennances shall immediatly Remayn vnto the wardeyns &
comminaltie of the ffremen of the misterye or Craft of Fullers of the citee of London for the tyme beyng. To haue And to hold to theym. And to their Successors to be applyed toward the Supportation of the charges of the said Misterie for euermore. Of the chief lordes of the ffee by the service thereof due And of the Accustomed vndre this condicion that the wardeyns of the ffremen of the said Mistery for the tyme beyngwhan soeuer the said londes & tenementes Rentes Reuersions and seruices with the Appurtennances After the forme aforesaid shall comme to their handes & possession. Wele & truely pay And bere yerely for euermore the Annuell Rentes aboue reherced chargeable vpon the same. Att times therof Aboue lymyted And also euery yere for euermore wele and sufficiantly from tyme to tyme Repaire and susteyne all the londes & tenementes aforesaid A s often As nede shall it Requyre without Any maner delay. And I will ordeign and bequeth by this my present Testament that if the wardeyns of the ffremen of the said misterie or crafte of ffullers or their Successors. And
tyme herafter kepe nott thesaid londes & tenementes duely repaired but suffre theym to be vnrepayred by A graunt of A yere one or after tyme that they nede to be Repaired. And woll not doo due Reparacion vpon theym. Within A grant of A yere next suyng aft such tyme As they by the said Chamberleyn of the said Citee of London for the tyme beyng or by euery other on his behalf shall
be warned therof or required therto that than my said bequest by me before made to the said wardeyns & commonaltie of the ffreemen of the said misterie or craft of fullers of London of my said londes & tenementes And other the premisses ceasse And be vtterly determined & voide And than by this my present testament. 

I yeve & bequeth all my said londes And tenementes Rentes Reuersions & seruices with their Appurtennances vnto the master and commondalitie. And to their Successors masters & commonalties of the same citie for the time beyng for euermore to be Applyed oonly to the vse of the Sustentacion of the charges of the water conduices of the said citie of Lonodn, And also beryng the charges aforesaid in manner & fourme as is aboue said As they woll Answer therto afore almightly
Jhesus Crist beyng soueraign And Hugh Juge Att dredefull day of Jugement And of this my 
present Testament. I make and ordeign myn Executors the said Margarett my wif And my 
Right Worshipfull Brother Richard Gardener Citezein & Alderman of the Citee of London. In 
witnesse wherof to this my present testamen I haue sett my Seale geven the xxiij day of  Novembre. 
And yeres aboue reherced
Parker f