Hidden History #102

Father of the City

When discussing the death of Richard III most people are unaware of the instrumental roll the Gardiner clan played in the rise of the Tudor Dynasty. With the discovery of Richards body many historians now believe the Welsh accounts of the battle hold the most water. Those Welsh chronicles are now supported by the forensic evidence collected from the body of Richard III.  This shift in thinking, has also lead to many who now believe Willyam Gardyner may have indeed been one of the men who dealt the mortal blow. 

When discussing the subject 30 years ago? The idea of some common Skinner Willyam Gardiner delivering the moral blow was an inconceivable concept to Ricardians.  But after 30 years of research, we've discovered clues that put Willyam Gardiner not only on the battlefield. They put him in the right place, right time, and right circumstance to be one of the men who indeed delivered the mortal blow. In a court of law? Presenting the quality, quantity, and totality of all the evidence collected these past 30 years, combined with the story told in the right context. There is no doubt in my mind, I could persuade a jury to convict Willyam Gardiner for the regicide of Richard III.  In these next few Hidden History of Family Gardiner we'll put forth some previously unknown facts

New Information

Henry VII - Richard Gardyner 
Most people are unaware Richard Gardyner was not only alderman, sheriff, and mayor of London. Richard Gardener was a Father of the City of London.  Even less people are aware Richard Gardyner was chosen by The City of London as the leader of the cities official delegation, in charge of the London's celebration and greeting England's new King. On the 24th of August 1485 the common counsel deputized seven men to ride to the country and greet ‘highest lord, King Henry VII’.  The choice of men to ride to the new King was significant. The seven deputized were Richard Gardyner Father of the City, Thomas Fitzwilliam Recorder, William Stokker and John Ward Aldermen and  four men representing the cities guilds, Thomas Burgoyn, Mercer, John Fenkill, Draper, Hugh Pemberton, Tailor and John Stork, Grocer.

To this point historians hav been unable to explain exactly why Richard Gardyner was chosen as their leader. Until Now. Telling the story in context, and factoring in all the information, including the marriage of Willyam Gardyner to the natural daughter of the Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford. The selection of Alderman Gardiner now makes perfect sense. 


It's been asserted by some historians the cities acceptance to Henry's rule was because it was the only option open to them. It's been my assertation when the Duke of Gloucester took the thrown, powerful forces within the city of London's merchant community were set into motion. Richards fate was sealed long before battle of Bosworth, his fate was sealed the moment the crown was placed on his head. I for one appreciate the story of Richard III isn't yet fully written, even after all these centuries. Ricardians should also appreciate this fact as well, because it proves the stories of an evil Richard III, are just that. Stories. Propaganda by the merchant community and power players to cover the fact that merchant community wanted this change, and were instrumental in changing the course of history. Giving credence to the old adage. "It's Just Business"

Continuing Work

Moving forward in this series well present facts to support the Gardiner families larger roll in the rise of the Tudor Dynasty.

Foot Notes

  • ^ Henry VII & Richard Gardyner -- Journal of the Court of Common Council of London, vols. 9-11


David T Gardner is a descendant of the Gardner family who arrived from Purton, Wiltshire to West Jersey, now Philadelphia in 1682. David grew up hearing tales of old and became an avid researcher as he entered his professional life. David’s work aligns with the emphasis on “All things Gardner” of Gardner Research (thomasgardnersociety.org) and has graciously provided material and discussion related to research of whence Thomas Gardner and Margaret Fryer. David can be reached by email at gardnerflorida@gmail.com or via his blog at wyllyam.kingslayerscourt.com 

Names (keyword): William Gardyner, William Gardener, William Gardyner, Willyam Gardyner, Willyam Gardener, William Gardyner, William Gardynyr, Wyllyam Gardynyr, Ellen Tudor, Hellen Tudor, Ellen Tuwdr,Thomas Gardiner, Ellen Teddar, Elyn Teddar, Thomas Gardiner, Thomas Gardener, Thomas Gardyner, Thomas Gardiner Kings Chaplain Son and Heir, Thomas Gardiner Chaplain, Thomas Gardiner Prior of Tynmouth, Thomas Gardiner Prior of Blyth, Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford, Thomas Gardiner Westminster Abbey, Thomas Gardiner Monk, Thomas Gardiner Lady Chapel, Westminster Lady Chapel, Henry VII Chantry, Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Chancellor Stephen Gardiner, John Gardiner Bury St Edmonds, Hellen Tudor John Gardiner, Hellen Tudor John Gardyner, Philippa Gardiner, Philippa Gardyner, Beatrix Gardiner, Beatrix Gardyner, Lady Beatrix Rhys, Anne Gardiner, Anne Gardyner, Ann Gardyner, Lady Beatrice Rhys, Beatrice Gardiner, Beatrice Gardyner, Bishop Steven Gardener. Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Bishop Stephen Gardyner, Aldermen Richard Gardiner, Mayor Richard Gardiner, Sheriff Richard Gardiner, Aldermen Richard Gardyner, Mayor Richard Gardyner, Sheriff Richard Gardyner, Henry VII, September 3, 1485, September 3rd 1485, 3rd September 1485, Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford, London Common Counsel, City of London, Rhys Ap Thomas, Jean Molinet, Battle of Bosworth, City of London, King Charles III, English wool export, 15th century london, St Pancras Church, Soper Lane, London Steel Yard, History of London, 15th Century London,  

Hidden History #101

What's In A Name

Researching our Gardiner families for some thirty years now. I'm always left feeling someone has went to lengths white washing the Gardiner families ties to England's royal family from history. From the hard to believe pull yourself up by the boot straps, not sure who the real father of Bishop Stephen Gardiner was. To the marriage of William Gardiner to Ellen Tudor the natural daughter of the Duke of Bedford, Jasper Tudor. What sometimes seems conspiracy could also just as easily be written off as coincidence, or simply just later historical revisionism to promote the everlasting and greater glory of England's royal family. However If I've learned anything after 30 years of research into our family? The Gardiner family played a much bigger roll in the accent of the Tudor dynasty than they've ever been given credit for. Now using modern research methods and 21st century technology, we are now able to uncover some Hidden History of Family Gardiner. 

Today the internet is full of variations of the William Gardiner and Ellen Tudor story. Many of these stories without citation. Assertions William Gardiner was named John Gardiner, Ellen Tudor was really Helen Tudor. Bishop Stephen Gardiner (Steven Gardener) was their child, many of these stories appearing long before the internet, in an age when information was scarce, and books were expensive.. When a single assertion in print was used by a researcher as the gospel truth, and foundation of many hours of research.

It's time we put some of these outdated assertions to rest, and use modern research methods, logic, and citation to reconstruct lives lived over 500 years ago.. Using documents, and in some cases their own words. We will get some new insight into the Hidden History of the Gardener Family, and their connection to England's Royal family. We will use the life of Thomas Gardiner King's Chaplain Son and Heir, son of William Gardiner and Ellen Tudor to establish his paternity, and the true name of his brothers, sisters and of his parents as well as their relation to the Royal Family.

New Information

First and foremost was William Gardiner's name William or John, and was he married to Ellen or Hellen Tudor? According to William and Ellen's son Thomas Gardiner, as documented during the 1530 Heraldic Visitation to the north counties conducted by Sir Thomas Tonge, Norroy King at Arms. Thomas Gardener lists Willyam Gardiner as his father, and his mother as Ellen Teddur, bastard daughter of Jasper Duke of Bedford. To support this assertion we will use Thomas Gardener King's Chaplain Son and Heir Prior of Tynemeouth's own words, as documented by Sir Thomas Tonge in the 1530 Visitation to the North Counties.

Be Yt Notid that Saint Oswyn, Kyng oDaire, in latyn written Rex Dareorum, founded furst the Monasteri of Tynmouth of Blak Monkes. And within certeyn yeres of his foundacion the Danys dystroied the said monastery, and so contynowed longe on edified, untill the tyme of the Conquerors commyng. And then Robert Mowbray, Erie oNorthumberland, whiche cam in with the Conquerour, edified and founded the said Monastery of Tynmouth ageyn. And so he and hys yssue arn founders of the said monastery, of whom ys dyscendyd the right high and myghti prince, Thomas Duke oNorfolk.
ARMS.  Gules, three crowns or.
These Be The Abmes of my Lord The Priour OTynmouth' whose name ys Gardener. And the said Priour ys descendyd of the noble Quene Kateryn, wyfe to Kyng Henry the Vth, and doughter to Charles Kyng oFrance. For the said Quene Kateryn was after maryed to Owayn Teddur, by whom he had yssue Edmond Erie oRichemond, and Jasper Duke oBedford. Whiche Jasper begate a bastard doughter called Ellen, maryed Willyam Gardener, who was father to my said Lord Priour. 
able, a chevron between three bugle horns argent, stringed and mounted or.  
Be Yt Notid that Malcolyn Kyng OScotland was slayne at Andewik by Robert Mowbray, Erie oNorthumberland, and Foundour of Tynmouth. And the said Malcolyn lyeth buried in the said Monastery of Tynmouth, in the Chapiter House 
Sable, a chevron between three bugle horns argent, stringed and mounted or. /  Impalement. England, debruised by a bend sinister [untinctured], within a border azure charged with eleven martlets or.
Be Yt Notid that the said Priour Of Tynmouth hath geven unto me, Norrey Kyng oArmes of the North parties, this pedigre and armes of his awne reporte, whiche he woll offer me at all tymes to verefy and approve before the Kyng and his Counsaill, that this pedigre is true and the armes also.
~ Sir Thomas Tonge

Thomas Gardiner provided Sir Tonge these arms, and we can clearly see the Gardener family arms impaling the arms of Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford. A visitation and documentation of royal kinship was very serious business, and attaching the seal of the Duke of Bedford to the Gardiner family had to be approved by the King.. Using the Duke of Bedford's seal without authorization, could cost one their head. The above document and arms is the golden key. We could cite court proceedings and last will and testaments naming William Gardiner and Elyn Tedder, but we don't have to.. This documentation establishes beyond a reasonable doubt the paternity, and genealogy. Jasper Duke of Bedford, William Gardener, Ellen Tudor and Thomas Gardener are who they say they are.

Being a royal bastard didn't hold the negative stigma in the 1500s as it does later in history. During these times being connected to the Royal family, even as a bastard was a badge of honor. However being royal bastards could explain why great lengths were taken at some point later in history to erase the history of these people, especially as they relate to the royal family. 

In William and Ellen's case, where did John come from? Anyone who has spent time researching this clan, knows the Gardiner clan uses William, and John extensively, either children named William John, or John William. Brothers John and William and even Jno, Johan or Jonathan who come of age, and just become John. We even name one child Jonathon or Jno, and his brother John. One of the Keys in researching the Gardiner clan, is to understand that a family can have 2 adult children named John, one is John ,and one is Jno or Johnathon. In this case however, it's my belief and court documents support.. When William died his children were raised by his brother John.. So when the same children are listed (Children of John Gardiner) in court documents? I believe this is where the confusion lays. 

The old English Latin in the document must be read and translated. (Custodia pueror' Joh'is Gardiner)  Custody of Children  John Gardiner or Guardianship of John Gardiner. So Bishop Stephen Gardiner appears not to be the brother of  Thomas Gardiner. However they may be cousins living in the same house, if this John Gardiner is the John Gardiner purported to be the Bishops father.  

Continuing Work
Moving forward in this series we’ll explore the life of William Gardiner's and Ellen Tudors only son, Thomas Gardiner, King’s Chaplain Son and Heir. Chamberlain of Westminster Abbey.

Foot Notes

Names (keyword): William Gardyner, William Gardener, William Gardyner, Willyam Gardyner, Willyam Gardener, William Gardyner, William Gardynyr, Wyllyam Gardynyr, Ellen Tudor, Hellen Tudor, Ellen Tuwdr,Thomas Gardiner, Ellen Teddar, Elyn Teddar, Thomas Gardiner, Thomas Gardener, Thomas Gardyner, Thomas Gardiner Kings Chaplain Son and Heir, Thomas Gardiner Chaplain, Thomas Gardiner Prior of Tynmouth, Thomas Gardiner Prior of Blyth, Jasper Tudor Duke of Bedford, Thomas Gardiner Westminster Abbey, Thomas Gardiner Monk, Thomas Gardiner Lady Chapel, Westminster Lady Chapel, Henry VII Chantry, Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Chancellor Stephen Gardiner, John Gardiner Bury St Edmonds, Hellen Tudor John Gardiner, Hellen Tudor John Gardyner, Philippa Gardiner, Philippa Gardyner, Beatrix Gardiner, Beatrix Gardyner, Lady Beatrix Rhys, Anne Gardiner, Anne Gardyner, Ann Gardyner, Lady Beatrice Rhys, Beatrice Gardiner, Beatrice Gardyner, Bishop Steven Gardener. Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Bishop Stephen Gardyner,  


David T Gardner is a descendant of the Gardner family who arrived from Purton, Wiltshire to West Jersey, now Philadelphia in 1682. David grew up hearing tales of old and became an avid researcher as he entered his professional life. David’s work aligns with the emphasis on “All things Gardner” of Gardner Research (thomasgardnersociety.org) and has graciously provided material and discussion related to research of whence Thomas Gardner and Margaret Fryer. David can be reached by email at gardnerflorida@gmail.com or via his blog at wyllyam.kingslayerscourt.com 

Low Meaning Of The Gardiner Name

Henry VIII they were still looked upon with an eye of respect as may be collected from Dr Turner who abashed Bishop Gardiner on account of the low meaning of his name. But to comfort the Bishop he found an Advocate (The King) who after deep researches declared that his patron's name was not Gardner as the English pronounced it, but Gardiner with the French Accent and therefore a Gentleman. And not long after this an Act was passed and amended by Edward VI and Mary I in the latter of whose reign after reciting. 

"that of late the people had been very bold in feigning imagining inventing and publishing fond and fantastical prophecies by reason of the names of people in order to make rebellion. It was enacted that for the future the first offence should be Imprisonment for a year and Forfeiture of 10 and the second offence Imprisonment for Life and Forfeiture of Goods." ^

"that of late the people had been very bold in feigning imagining inventing and publishing fond and fantastical prophecies by reason of the names &c of people in order to make rebellion &c It was enacted that for the future the first offence should be Imprisonment for a year and Forfeiture of 10 and the second offence Imprisonment for Life and Forfeiture of Goods." 

King Henry 8th, Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Bishop Stephen Gardner, Henry 8th, Bishop of Winchester, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Gardiner Family Crest, Gardner Family Crest, Gardiner Family History, Gardner Family History, Gardyner Family History, Sir William Gardynyr, Sir William Gardiner, Ellen Tudor, Elyn Tedder, Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford, Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chancellor Stephen Gardiner, Germaine Gardiner, Germane Gardiner, Gardner Name, Gardiner Name, Gardyner Name, Gardener Name, Gardner Arms, Gardiner family Crest. Gardiner Family Crest.  Meaning of family name gardner+gardiner+gardyner, meaning of name Gardiner, meaning of name Gardiner, 

Warwick Marches On London 1470

During the October 1470 Deliberations of the London Mayor and Counsel, Sheriff Richard Gardener offers sound advice reminding the mayor and aldermen that the city was basically defenseless as Lord Warwick Marches On London. 
Lord Warwick"s Rebellion 1471
 "Few words, my lord, and I have done," said Richard Gardyner— "there is no fighting without men. The troops at the Tower are not to be counted on. The populace are all with Lord Warwick, even though he brought the devil at his back. If you hold out, look to rape and plunder before sunset to-morrow. If ye yield, go forth in a body, and the earl is not the man to suffer one Englishman to be injured in life or health who once trusts to his good faith. My say is said.” 
Sheriff Richard Gardyner, Oct 1470

The Keys To The Kingdom

William Gardynyr - Ellen Tudor
  Luminaries of the research field in there infinite wisdom have time and again missed some of the major keys to the Battle of Bosworth, and the subsequent rise of the Tudor dynasty. Seemingly unable to accept a common skinner dealt the mortal blow, has lead to hundreds of years of the most fanciful mix of unsubstantiated second hand accounts. All supported on a mountains of speculation, surrounding the events leading up to the battle of Market Bosworth and the subsequent rise of the Tudor dynasty. Magnifying minor parts of the story and attempting to discredit any scenario that does not support a biased version of events that paint Richard as anything less than a misunderstood hero. Yet still to this day, are still unable to adequately explain how a rag tag band of rebels defeated a King with an army twice it's size, and had laid claim the thrown of England for over a 100 years?

  In their haste have they overlooked the keys to the Kingdom if you will? The union of the House of Tudor and the Gardener family was one major key to that Kingdom, and foundation of the Tudor dynasties rise to power. The marriage of Jasper's Tudors only daughter Ellen to William the kinsman of one of the most powerful alderman in England, set the stage for a series of events the changed the course of history.

  William Gardiner wasn't just some out of place common skinner who haphazardly found his way on to the battlefield just outside Market Bosworth in 1485. The man who was then subsequently found on the field with Richards crown. William Gardyner was managing the logistics of Jasper's army as it made it's way through England.  Sir Wyllyam Gardynyr was kinsman of the Father of the City of London.

  Alderman Richard Gardiner like his peers was considered one of the most powerful and wealthy men in England. Historians like to gloss over this fact. It almost seems as if historians are also unaware that on the 3rd September 1485, William Gardeners kinsman and Father of the City of London Richard Gardener, The man who was chosen as the The City of London's official representative, riding to the countryside to greet the newly crowned King before he'd even entered the city walls. Gardener and the common counsel organized the cities festivities welcoming King Henry VII to London.

King Henry VII - Aldermen Richard Gardiner - September 3rd 1485
The above lithograph of  appears to be Alderman Richard Gardener and HRH King Henry VII, was copied from a tapestry in Henry VIIs Lady Chapel and Chantry at Westminster Abbey. The son of Sir William Gardiner and Ellen Tudor, The young boy removed by the crown for his own safety. Thomas Gardener was made the head priest of King Henry VIIs Lady Chapel. At the time hailed as the most sumptuous lady chapel in all of Christendom, it was dedicated by the King Slayers son Thomas Gardener who sang it's first mass.
  The Father of the City of London Richard Gardiner and his kinsman were handling the logistics of Henry's invasion in England. Few men were better suited than Alderman Gardiner for Jasper Tudor to align with. The Alderman being justice of the Mercers Guild, Staple of England Merchant, Staple of Calais Merchant as well as Justice of the Hans Merchants of the Almaine, Aldermen Gardener had direct control of the lines communication not only through the entire realm. but to the Low Countries, France, Burgundy, Brittany and the Maine of the Holy Roman Empire. The merchants having their own mercenary army's and navy's already in service and experienced in the security and transportation of their trade merchandise stored in their own respective merceries at home and abroad. Including the mercenaries, materials and money that were all at merchant Gardiner's disposal, and the key to Henry and Jaspers victory. All of the men and logistical materials necessary to supply an army. One of the first armies on the battlefield where plunder was "not" the pay. 

  We know William Gardiner was found with Richards crown and was knighted on the field with Sir Gilbert Talbot, Rhys ap Thomas and Humphrey Stanley. Why had history has not remembered Sir William Gardynyer~? The reasons are many foremost would be the yet  fully substantiated story of William Gardiner being killed by Yorkist supporters of King Richard days before Henry's coronation HRH King Henry VII at Westminster Abbey. Causing panic, his children were ordered removed and placed in the custody of the crown with other members of the royal family for their own safety. People still wondering why the knights during the period were not clamoring to take credit for the deed? Rhys ap Thomas spoke directly to the historian Polydore Vergil and did not take credit for the deed. It was Richard Gardyner who communicated the the new King's wishes and expectations to the guilds and commoners who had made their way to St Paul's Cathedral on the day of Henry VIIs coronation at Westminster Abbey. Regicide was not ever fashionable and in the case of William Gardynyr being murdered leaving the mayden of the hoope (tavern) near the Poultry Cross on the Cheapside poignantly reminded everyone involved the battle for the total control of the realm was far from over.

  One only has to look at the logistics of the battle, and the "how" of Richard the IIIs defeat at Bosworth Market in 1485 quickly becomes apparent, even to the novice researcher. Richard's defeat wasn't a fluke or a lucky win by Henry and Jasper Tudor it wasn't even a the Stanley brothers swoop in and decide the battle story.  It was a carefully orchestrated coup d'etat that was laid out over a period of some years with great skill and cunning. Despite stories to the contrary King Richard was lead to a preplanned slaughter on a field Henry Tudor chose months before the battle.   One thing is sure. Without the support of the Alderman Gardyner, the merchants and their considerable logistical resources, Jasper Tudor and his ward may have just been footnotes in a history replete with nobles attained for treason. Jasper Tudor, Duke of Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Earl of Pembroke, Ellen Tudor, Ellen Teddor, Elyn Teddor, Elyn Tedor, Elyn Tudor, Sir William Gardiner, Sir William Gardynyr, John de Vere, Earl of Oxford, 13th Earl of Oxford,  Battle of Bosworth, Mercenaries Battle of Bosworth 1485, 

David Todd Gardner is a full time researcher who hails from Louisiana, With 30 experience using modern research methods. Gardner has uncovered and collected a compelling knowledge of obscure historical facts relating to the genealogical history of the Gardner, Gardiner, Gardyner, Gardener families and their related kinsman.
Dave can be reached at: gardnerflorida@gmail.com 

Arms - Shield, William Gardiner, and Ellen Tudor

Be Yt Notid that Saint Oswyn, Kyng of Daire, in latyn written Rex Dareorum, founded furst the Monasteri of Tynmouth of Blak Monkes. And within certeyn yeres of his foundacion the Danys dystroied the said monastery, and so contynowed longe on edified, untill the tyme of the Conquerors commyng. And then Robert Mowbray, Erie of Northumberland, whiche cam in with the Conquerour, edified and founded the said Monastery of Tynmouth ageyn. And so he and hys yssue arn founders of the said monastery, of whom ys dyscendyd the right high and myghti prince, Thomas Duke oNorfolk.
ARMS.  Gules, three crowns or.
These Be The Abmes of my Lord The Priour Of Tynmouth' whose name ys Gardener. And the said Priour ys descendyd of the noble Quene Kateryn, wyfe to Kyng Henry the Vth, and doughter to Charles Kyng of France. For the said Quene Kateryn was after maryed to Owayn Teddur, by whom he had yssue Edmond Erie of Richemond, and Jasper Duke oBedford. Whiche Jasper begate a bastard doughter called Ellen, maryed Willyam Gardener, who was father to my said Lord Priour. 
able, a chevron between three bugle horns argent, stringed and mounted or.  
Be Yt Notid that Malcolyn Kyng OScotland was slayne at Andewik by Robert Mowbray, Erie oNorthumberland, and Foundour of Tynmouth. And the said Malcolyn lyeth buried in the said Monastery of Tynmouth, in the Chapiter House 
Sable, a chevron between three bugle horns argent, stringed and mounted or. /  Impalement. England, debruised by a bend sinister [untinctured], within a border azure charged with eleven martlets or.  
Be Yt Notid that the said Priour Of Tynmouth hath geven unto me, Norrey Kyng of Armes of the North parties, this pedigre and armes of his awne reporte, whiche he woll offerme at all tymes to verefy and approve before the Kyng and his Counsaill, that this pedigre is true and the armes also.
~ Sir Thomas Tonge

[ Ellen Tudor, Helen Tudor, William Gardiner, Wyllyam Gardynyr, Elyn Tudor, Battle of Bosworth, Earl of Pembroke, Duke of Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Owen Tudor, Jasper Tudor Battle of Bosworth, William Gardner Ellen Tudor, William Gardener Ellen Tudor, William Gardner Ellen Tudor, Helen Tudor, Elyn Teddur, Elyn Tidder, Duke of Bedford, Jasper Tudor, Owen Tudor, Jasper Tudor Family Tree, King Charles III, HRH King Charles III, Prince Charles,  King Charles, Queen Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall  ]

Battle of Bosworth - Gardiner


Having now spent much time over three decades looking into the life of the Gardiner family of central London, and their relation to events surrounding the Battle of Bosworth and the rise of the Tudor Dynasty. It never ceases to amaze me how much of our combined family histories have just been lost to the ravages of time. From then, to our current time, where the summation of human knowledge now doubles approximately every six months. Questions once asked in times past with seemingly no answer? Asked again in the 21st century, have yielded surprising answers. Applying modern research methods has allowed us to reconstruct the lives of some of our amazing family members once thought to be lost.

This series also appears in the Winter 2016 Edition of the Gardner Annals from the Thomas Gardner Society, they can be found at
Gardiner - Tudor
The Gardiner family appears to have played an even more significant role in the events surrounding Richard III and the Battle of Bosworth than was once thought. Sir William Gardyner, was far from being an unlikely out of place skinner on the battlefield at Market Bosworth, William Gardner was actually son-in-law of Jasper Tudor. The few stories of Richard III’s death in August 1485 in a field just south of Market Bosworth are well known. What was not known? Several things: The more complex relationships with the Gardiner family and major players of the battle as well the families early connections to the Royal Family prior to the rise of Bishop Stephen Gardiner, Lord Chancellor of England. 

What we know about Sir William Gardyner who was found with Richard IIIs crown at the battle of Bosworth has taken some very interesting twists and turns. We’ve uncovered some previously unknown connections, Information unpublished in modern times and some little known facts that support our story of Sir William Gardyner and the family’s larger role in the English Civil War. As well as, the Gardiner families rise to power as part of the Tudor Dynasty.
King Charles III, Charles III, HRH Charles, King Charles, King of England, King of  United Kingdom, Britain, United Kingdon, UK ]

New Information

King Henry VII - Alderman Richard Gardiner 
Richard Gardyner, Sheriff, Mayor, Alderman and Father of the City of London was chosen as the official representative of the city of London, The Aldermen and Common Council directed celebrations to welcome the new King to the City. Alderman Gardiner rode out of London to meet Henry Tudor before he arrived in the city. The Aldermen joined the King's procession as it entered the city walls.

This supports my own position that it was Alderman Gardyner directing the logistics of Henry VIIs theater of operations in England.

Image result for sir gilbert Talbot
Sir Gilbert Talbot
Alderman Richard Gardiner’s arrainged the marrage of his widow Etheldreda (Audrey) Cotton, William Gardiner’s sister in law, to marry King Henry’s right wing commander at Battle of Bosworth, Sir Gilbert Talbot some years after the Alderman's death. Only William Gardyner, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Rhys ap Thomas and Humphrey Stanley were knighted on the field of Battle. The connection of Henry and Jasper as well as Army Commander Earl of Oxford and the Armies Right Wing Commander, Sir Gilbert Talbot to the Gardyner's is significant. This puts Sir William Gardyner not only as Jasper Tudors son in law. It has Sir Wyllyam Gardynyr in the right place, right time and right circumstance to have dealt the mortal blow to Richard III on the Battlefield at Market Bosworth in 1485. 

It's would not be a stretch to deduce the man who dealt the mortal blow? Is the man who picked up the crown and was Knighted on the field. If we measure the deed by treasure and the continued trust of both HRH King Henry VII and Henry VIII? One could surmise, Sir William Gardyner was indeed the man who dealt the mortal blow. Henry gave Rhys ap Thomas and Humphrey Stanley Title and Land. The King entrusted Thomas Gardiner King’s Chaplain the son of Sir William Gardiner with not only his own mortal soul, but the souls of his family and Heir apparent. While elevating other members of the Gardiner family to some of the most powerful and influential positions in England. 

Battle of Bosworth 1485

This endenture made bitwene oure Souerayne Lorde the Kyng,
Kyng Henry the VIIth, on that one part, And Richard Gardyner, Citezein and Aldreman of Londone, one that other part, Witnesseth that oure said souerayne lorde hath receyved of the said Richard Gardyner, the day of making of these presentes, a Salte of Golde with a Cover stondyng upone a morene garnyshed with perles and precious stones, the whiche salte was sumtyme belongyng to Richard, late in deed and nat in righte kyng of England, and delyuered to the said Richard Gardyner by oone William Dabeney, late Clerke of the Jewelles of the said late pretended kyng in plegge for lxvj. li. xiij. s. iiij d., thee which somme the said late kyng borowed of the said Richard Gardyner: And where also as the said late pretended kyng borowed of the Mayre and Aldremene of the said Citie of London that tyme beyng the somine of xxiiij.c. li. that is to sey of euery of the said Aldremene that tyme beyng c.li.: And for suretie and contentacione of the said xxiiij.c. li. the said late pretended kyng leide in plegge to the said Maire and Aldremene a Coronalle of golde garnysshed withe precious stones and many other grete and riche Jewelles, as by a bille endented bitwene the said Maire and Aldremene on that one part and the said William Dabeney than Clerk of the Jewelles of the said late pretended kyng on that other part ther of made more playnly it dothe appier: And forasmoche as the said xxiiij.c. li. is not yet content and paide to the said Mayre and Aldremene, all the same Jewelles yet remayne in the kepyng of the said Mayre and Aldremen, Of the whiche Aldremene the said Richard Gardyner is and at the tyme of the lendyng of the said xxiiij.c. li. was one, and lente his c. li. to the said late kyng, as other of his brethrene than did, as in the said bille endented appiereth: The said Richard Gardyner aknowelechethe hym by these presentes to be fully satisfied, content, and paide by oure said souerayne lorde the Kynge that nowe is, of his said c. li.,~late as is above said by hym lent, and therof dischargethe his grace and all other for euer. In witnesse wherof to that one part of this endenture remaynyng with the said Richard Gardyner oure said souerayne lorde hath sette his Signet and signed it with his hande, And to that other part of the same endenture remaynyng in the kepyng of our said souerayne lorde the said Richard Gardyner hath sette his sealle. Yoven the xxijth day of Novembre, The ffirst yere of the Reigne of oure said Souerayne Lorde.
King Henry VII

We find payments from both HRH King Henry 7th and John de Vere 13th Earl of Oxford to Alderman Richard Gardyner that look as if to be reimbursements for expenses the Alderman incurred while handling the logistics of Henry and Jasper's prior to the Army's arrival in England. However, these payments seemed to use the recovery of some of the crown jewels pawned by Richard III as a way to disguise these arrangements. The payments in the case of The Earl of Oxford are noted as off-the-book, uncategorized payments and unlike anything researchers had encountered before.

1485, 8 Dec. Hen. VII. —Provisional grant by John, Earl of Oxynford, to Richard Gardyner of the wardship, &c. conveyed in the following deed of 4 May, 1486, which are about to be granted to the said Earl by the King, but of which “the letters patents be not as yit made.” Seal nearly perfect. (In a small box.)
13th Earl of Oxforde
John de Vere

1485, 8th of December, Henry VII. —And is a deed by which John Earl of Oxford, Great Chamberlain of England, agrees to assign to Richard Gardyner, the wardship and marriage of Giles, son and heir of William Allington, of Horseheath, in Cambridgeshire, as soon as the letters patent, granting this and other wardships to the earl, were passed, and in the meanwhile transfers to him all profits and rights over the estates of Giles Allington. The second deed is the formal assignment of the wardship in question, and bears date 4th of May, 1st Henry VII. (1486), and by it he grants him all the rights without any payments to the king or himself,
"Except Onlt That Richard Gardyner Had Paid Me Beforehand"

These two documents both have appended to them mutilated impressions of the same large and fine seal with the earl's heraldic achievements, and the inscription which, when complete was,
"Sigilum Joh'is de Vere comitis Oxonie"

John de Vere was the thirteenth Earl of Oxforde; was restored to the family honours in 1464, attained in 1474, and finally restored in 1485. Elevated to Lord Great Chamberlain of England.

Most are unaware of the significance of the above document. Giles Alington son of Richard IIIs slain vanguard soldier, Sir William Alington and the now the Alderman's ward. Married Alderman Gardiner’s daughter Mary. Notable descendants of Sir Giles Alington and Lady Mary Gardiner include HRH Charles, Prince of Wales as well as the Prince's first wife, the late Lady Diana Spencer.

Continuing Work

Moving forward in this series we’ll explore the life of Sir William Gardiners and Lady Ellen Tudors only son, Thomas Gardiner, King’s Chaplain Son and Heir. Chamberlain of Westminster Abbey.

Foot Notes

  • Names (keyword): Richard Gardyner, Richard Gardener, Richard Gardyner, William Gardyner, William Gardener, William Gardyner, William Gardynyr, Wyllyam Gardynyr, Ellen Tudor, Hellen Tudor, Ellen Tuwdr, Alderman Richard Gardyner, Alderman Gardyner, Earl of Oxforde, Richarde Gardyner, Gilbert Talbot, Humphrey Stanley, Rhys ap Thomas, Battle of Bosworth, Battle of Market Bosworth, Mayre Richard Gardyner, Aldremene Richard Gardyner, Battle of Bosworth, Battle of Market Bosworth, Market Bosworth, Sir Thomas Gardiner, ir Giles Alington, Sir Giles Allington,

David T Gardner is a descendant of the Gardner family who arrived from Purton, Wiltshire to West Jersey, now Philadelphia in 1682. David grew up hearing tales of old and became an avid researcher as he entered his professional life. David’s work aligns with the emphasis on “All things Gardner” of Gardner Research (thomasgardnersociety.org) and has graciously provided material and discussion related to research of whence Thomas Gardner and Margaret Fryer. David can be reached by email at gardnerflorida@gmail.com or via his blog at wyllyam.kingslayerscourt.com