[DOC] Richard Gardiner Alderman 1489



1484, 1 November, 2 Richard III. Westminster—A pardon granted to Richard Gardener, also known as Gardyner, under his various titles of a merchant of London, citizen and mercer, citizen and alderman, former mayor, and former sheriff. This pardon forgives him for all offenses committed before the 21st day of February of the previous year, particularly those related to the Crown. However, it excludes any matters of financial account with the Staple of Calais, the Chamberlains of Chester, the Keepers of the Wardrobe, and so on.


1485, 1 November, 1 Hen. VII.—Indenture (signed by the King "HR") between Henry VII and Richard Gardyner, witnessing that the King has received from Richard Gardyner a gold salt cellar with a cover, standing on a base adorned with pearls and precious stones. This salt cellar belonged to Richard, who was once the late King of England, but not rightfully so. It was delivered to Richard Gardyner by William Dabeney, the former Clerk of the Jewels of the late pretended King, as collateral for a debt of £65, 13 shillings, and 4 pence that the late King borrowed from Richard Gardyner. Furthermore, the late pretended King borrowed £2,400 from the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, with each Alderman contributing £100, and as security, he pledged a gold crown adorned with precious stones and many other valuable jewels, as described in a more detailed indenture. However, since the jewels are still in the possession of the Mayor and Aldermen, and the £2,400 has not yet been paid, Richard Gardyner acknowledges through this indenture that he has been fully satisfied, content, and paid by the King for the £100 he lent. There is a fragment of a signet included in a small box.

Provisional Grant 

1485, 8 December, 1 Henry VII—Temporary grant made by John, Earl of Oxynford, to Richard Gardyner of the guardianship and other rights conveyed in the subsequent deed dated 4 May, 1486. These rights were intended to be granted to the Earl by the King, but the official documentation, known as "letters patents," has not yet been created. The seal attached to the grant is almost intact and is stored in a small box.


1486, 15 March, 1 Henry VII—Agreement between Richard, Lord Beauchamp, and Richard Twigge, a citizen and mercer of London. According to the terms of the agreement, Lord Beauchamp, situated in the parish of Our Lady of the Bow in the ward of Cordwainer Street, delivers a collection of silverware and jewelry to Twigge. The items include six silver-gilt bowls with a cover, weighing a total of 88 troy ounces, a pendant, a buckle, seventeen small silver bowls ("bolions"), a spoon, and a silver-gilt saltcellar, weighing a combined total of 16 and a half ounces. Additionally, there is a silver-gilt chalice with a paten, a pix with a crucifix, and a silver-gilt powder box, weighing a total of 27 and a half ounces. Furthermore, there is a standing cup with a cover, partially gilt, weighing 22 ounces, a shorter standing cup with a cover, partially gilt, weighing 15 and a half ounces, three parts of candlesticks, three small copper pricks ("cupre prykkes"), an eggshell made of silver, weighing a total of 17 and a half ounces, and a flat piece of silver from Paris, weighing 11 ounces.

In exchange for these items, Lord Beauchamp receives a payment of 962 pounds of high-quality and merchantable wool, known as "poleyn wez." However, there is a condition attached to the agreement. If Lord Beauchamp pays the sum of 33 pounds, 8 shillings, and 9 pence on the upcoming feast of All Hallows, then the plate and jewels shall be returned to him.


1486, 4 May, 1 Henry VII—Transfer of rights by John, Earl of Oxynford, to Richard Gardyner, an alderman of London. The transfer involves the wardship and marriage of "Giglis," the son and heir of William Alington, esquire, as well as the responsibility for managing and safeguarding his lands. These rights were originally granted to the Earl by letters patent from the King, dated 1 April of the same year. The seal on the document is damaged. It is currently stored in a small box.


1487, 2 June, 2 Henry VII—Transfer of rights by Elizabeth, the widow of Sir William Alington, esquire, of Horseheath, and others, to Richard Gardener, a citizen and alderman of London. The transfer involves the wardship of her son Giles for a period of five years, with an annual rent of 100 pounds.

Will and Testament 

The will of Richard Gardyner, along with the attached probate, indicates that it was proven at Lambeth on February 4, 1489. The existing portion of the will consists of three parchment pieces joined together, along with the probate, using a parchment band and the seal of the Archbishop. It appears that the earlier portion of the will is currently missing. The remaining abstract of the will is as follows:

Richard Gardyner directs that after his death, his manor of Westlewaterle (Westley Waterless) in the county of Cambridge should pass to his wife Audry for her lifetime, and then to his daughter Mary in tail. After Mary, the manor should go to Joan Berton, the daughter of his wife Audry, in tail, followed by John Berton, the brother of Joan, in tail. The subsequent heir in tail is Catherine Berton, their sister, and if there are no further heirs, the manor should revert to the testator's rightful heirs.

He also bequeaths his lands and tenements called Carbonelles and Stystedys in Horseheath and Little Camps in the same county in a similar manner, except that the limitation to Catherine comes before that of Joan and John.

Richard Gardyner stipulates that his wife Audry should have guardianship over Giles Allington, whom he has arranged to be married to his daughter Mary. In the event that Giles dies before the marriage to Mary is completed, George, the next brother, is to marry her "if the children can so agree." If George also dies and the marriage with Mary remains incomplete, the decision regarding her marriage is left to the discretion of the executors. If both George and Giles die and their sister Margery is underage, her guardianship is entrusted to his wife Audry.

A noteworthy bequest in the will is a sum of money to provide a state pall for the Mercers' Company. Richard Gardyner bequeaths 20 marks, and more if necessary, to his executors for the purpose of creating a cloth of the finest fabric available, adorned with fringe and other appropriate embellishments. This cloth is intended to be retained by the commonalty of the Mercers' Company in London, to be used for deceased members of the craft, with his coat of arms displayed on it, serving as a remembrance of his soul.

Furthermore, he leaves all his personal clothing items, such as gowns, hoods, cloaks, doublets, shirts, caps, girdles, pawteners, daggers, knives, purses, beads, rings, gold chains, and gold crosses, to be sold. The proceeds from the sale are to be used to purchase fabric and linen, which will then be fashioned into gowns, coats, and other garments to be distributed to poor householders.

Richard Gardyner also includes various monetary legacies for his relatives, including his brother John Partriche, his sisters Agnes Lollym and Elizabeth Wing, his sister Marion Massam, his cousin Richard Massam, his cousin Catherine White and her children, his cousin William Massam, his cousin Elizabeth Massam (if unmarried), his cousin Elizabeth Wynge, the children of William Hamshire and Agnes Rolff of Burwell, and John, Joan, and Catherine Bartone, who are the children of his wife Audry. Additionally, he bequeaths ten marks to his cousin Jerom Clyfford for his education, apprenticeship, or religious pursuits, and ten marks to "my lady Dame Alice Hamptone." He also allocates forty marks to provide dowries for poor maidens, with a preference for his own impoverished relatives. The will further includes bequests to his servants and godchildren. The residue of his estate is left to his wife Audry, whom he appoints as executor alongside John Tate, Alderman of London. John Heigham, a gentleman, is designated as overseer of the will. Towards the end of the will, there is a request to the commissary or official to ensure that the executors take an oath not to act independently, suggesting a concern about potential disagreements between them.

The probate act is attached, and the entire document is secured with a parchment band, bearing the seal of the Archbishop.


1484, 1 Nov. 2 Rich.III. Westm.—Pardon to Richard Gardener, alias, Gardyner, under his several titles of merchant, of London, citizen and mercer, citizen and alderman, late mayor, and late one of the sheriffs, of all offences committed before 21 day of Feb. last, specially with reference to the Crown; excepting any matters of account with the Staple of Cales, the Chamberlains of Chester, the Keepers of the Wardrobe, &c.


1485, 1 Nov., 1 Hen. VII.—Indenture (signed by the King “HR") between Hen. VII. and Richard Gardyner, witnessing that the King has received of the latter “a salte of golde with a cover stondyng upon a moren garnysshed with perles and precious stones, the which salte was sumtyme belonging to Richard late in dede and not in right Kyng of England, and delyvered to the said Richard Gardyner by oon William Dabeney, late Clerke of the Jewells of the said late pretended Kyng in plegge for lxvili. xiijs. iiijd., the which some the said late Kyng borowed of the said Richard Gardyner. And where also as the said late pretended Kyng borowed of the Mayre and Aldremen of the said citie of London that tyme beyng the some of xxiiijc li. that is to Sey of every of the said Aldremen” 100l., and laid in pledge “a coronall of golde garnysshed with precious stones and many other grete and riche jewelles,” as by a bill indented more plainly appears, and forasmuch as the said jewels yet remain in the keeping of the Mayor and Aldermen, the said 2,400l. being not yet paid, the said Richard Gardyner acknowledgeth himself by these presents to be fully satisfied, content and paid by the King of his 100l. So lent. Fragment of signet. (In a small box.)

Provisional Grant 

1485, 8 Dec., 1 Hen. VII.—Provisional grant by John, Earl of Oxynford, to Richard Gardyner of the wardship, &c. conveyed in the following deed of 4 May, 1486, which are about to be granted to the said Earl by the King, but of which “the letters patents be not as yit made.” Seal nearly perfect. (In a small box.)


1486, 15 March, 1 Hen. VII.—Indenture between Richard, Lord Beauchamp, and Richard Twigge, citizen and mercer of London, by which the former, in the parish of our Lady of the Bow in the ward of Cordwainer Street, delivers to Twigge the following plate and jewels; six bowls, with a cover of silver, gilt, weighing 88 ounces of troy weight, a pendant, a buckle, seventeen “bolions,' a spoon and a saltcellar of silver and gilt, weighing together 16# ounces, a chalice with a paten, a pix with a crucifix, and a powder box of silver, gilt, weighing together 27# ounces, a standing cup, with a cover, parcel gilt, weighing 22 ounces, a low standing cup, with a cover, parcel gilt, weighing 15% ounces, three noses of three candlesticks, three “cupre prykkes,” and one eggshell of silver, weighing together 17# ounces, and one Paris (“pis”) flat piece of silver, weighing 11 ounces; in consideration of the receipt of 962 lbs., “of poleyn wez, gode and merchaunt"; with the condition that if the said lord Beauchamp pay on the feast of Allhalowen next coming the sum of 33l. 8s. 9d., then the plate and jewels shall be returned.


1486, 4 May, 1 Hen. VII.—Assignment by John, Earl of Oxynford, to Richard Gardyner, alderman of London, of the wardship and marriage of “Giglis” son and heir of William Alington, esq., and the keeping of his lands, which had been assigned to the said Earl by letters patent of the King, dated 1 April preceding. Broken seal. (In a small box.)


1487, 2 June, 2 Hen. VII.—Assignment by Elizabeth, widow of William Alington, esq., of Horseth, and others, to Richard Gardener, citizen and alderman of London, of the wardship of her son Giles for the term of five years, with an annual rent of 100l.

Will and Testament 

The will of Richard Gardyner; with the probate annexed, showing it to have been proved at Lambeth, Feb. 4, 1489. It consists at present of three pieces of parchment united, together with the probate, by a band of parchment and the seal of the Archbishop. From the tenor of the will it is probable that the earlier portion is now wanting. The abstract of the portion now remaining is as follows:—

"He directs that, after his decease, his manor of Westlewaterle, ( Westley Waterless ) in the county of Cambridge, should remain to Audry, hie wife, for life, and then to his daughter Mary, in tail; with remainder to Joan Berton, daughter to his wife Audry, in tail; with remainder to John Berton, brother to the said Joan, in tail; with remainder to Catherine Berton, their sister, in tail; with remainder to the testator's right heirs. He bequeathed his lands and tenements called Carbonelles and Stystedys, (Cardinal Green) lying in Horseheath and Little Camps in the same county, in the same manner, excepting that the limitation to Catherine preceded that to Joan and John. He directs that Audry, his wife, should have the rule of his ward, Giles Allington, whom he had ordained to be married to his daughter Mary. And if the said Giles should die before the marriage was completed with Mary, then George, the next brother, was to have her to wife 'if the children can so agree;' and should George also die and the marriage with Mary not be completed, her marriage he leaves to the rule of his executors. Should both George and Giles die, and their sister Margery be under age, he leaves her wardship to his wife Audry.

"The next bequest is a curious one, being of a sum of money to provide a state pall* for the Mercers' Company, and is in these words: 'Item: I bequethe xx marc, and more if nede be, therewith myne executours to do make a clothe of the beste tyssue that they cane bye; and apparell it with frynge and all other thingis that longethe therto, for to remaigne with the commanaltie of my crafte of mercery of Londone, to serue and lye uppone them that bene brethren and sustrene in the lyuery of the same crafte, whan they be deceassed, with myne armys to be sette upone the same clothe, to have my sowle in better remembraunce.'

"He next bequeaths all his gowns, hoods, cloaks, doublets, shirts, caps, girdles, pawteners, daggers, knives, purses, beads, rings, chains of gold, and crosses of gold, pertaining to his own proper wear, to be sold, and, with the produce, stuffs and linen to be purchased to make gowns, coats, and other garments, to be given to poor householders.

"He also leaves numerous legacies of money to various relatives, viz.: his brother John Partriche; his sister Agnes Lollym (?); his sister Elizabeth Wing; his sister Marion Massam; his cousin Richard Massam; his cousin Catherine White and her children; his cousin William Massam; (Prior of Durham, Prior of Blyth) his cousin Elizabeth Massam (if she be unmarried); his cousin Elizabeth Wynge; the children of William Hamshire, and also of Agnes Rolff of Burwell; John, Joan, and Catherine Bartone, children of his wife Audry; his cousin Jerom Clyfford, 'to finde hym to scole, or to sette him prentice, or to make him a man of religion,' x marcs. He likewise bequeaths x marcs ' to my lady Dame Alice Hamptone.' Then follows a bequest of forty marcs to provide dowries for poor maidens, four nobles each, with preference to his own poor kin; also bequests to his servants and godchildren. The residue he leaves to his wife, whom he appoints executor, together with John Tate, Alderman of London; and he appoints John Heigham, gentleman, overseer of the will. Towards the close of the will is an earnest request to the commissary or official that he would exact an oath from the executors not to act singly, as if he feared some difference of opinion between them.

The Probate Act is annexed, and the whole united by a band of parchment, to which is attached the seal of Archbishop

Notices of similar bequests, and a description of some of the State Palls that have been preserved by the City Companies, will be found in Herbert's History of the Twelve Livery Companies, vol. i. p. 71. No mention, however, is made of any pall of the Mercers' Company.

Three several portions on parchment of the will of Richard Gardyner citizen of London for which letters of administration were granted 4 Feb 1489 He leaves his manor of Westle Watirle and his lands called Carbonelles and Stystedys in Orsett and Little Camps Cambridgeshire &c to his wife Awdry with the wardship of Giles Alington who is to be married to his daughter Mary and if the said Giles predecease then the wardship of his second brother George with the same condition of marriage if they so agree Amongst many other bequests he leaves 20 marks or more if need be to make a cloth of the best tissue that his executors can buy and to apparel it with fringe and all other things that longeth thereto to remain with the commonalty of my crafte of mercery of London to serve and lye uppon them that ben brethren and sustreñ in the lyverye of the same crafte whan they be deceased with myn armys to be sette upon the same clothe to have my sowle in better remembrance Also all his gowns hoods cloaks doublets shirts caps girdles pawteners daggers knives purses bedes rings chains of gold and crosses of gold pertaining to his own power to be sold for the most value in ready money to be bestowed in buying friezes and linen cloth to make gowns coats and other garments for men women and children and to make of the linen cloth shirts smocks and sheets for men women and children to be disposed amongst poor householders and others after the discretion of his executors.